


  • 本ページでは2024/3/23現在、220個の表現を掲載しています.
  • 本ページは情報量が多いので、ページ内検索を活用していただくことをお勧めします. ページ内検索の方法はこちらに詳しくまとめています.
  • 以下、直近の本ページの更新履歴です.

2024/3/23:be snowed down、hang in there、know one’s stuff、go a long way toを追加

2024/3/21:back out of、be bursting at the seams、in lieu of、poke around、have a hunch、with flying colors、under the gunを追加

2023/1/14:in the pipeline、on the right trackを追加

2023/1/7:lay law、freebie、run-up、in-depthを追加

2023/1/6:What’s done is done.、be a no-goを追加

2022/12/25:first things firstを追加

2022/12/22:fly off the shelvesを追加



2022/6/3:buyer’s market、pick up、have reservations about、not a pretty sight、be swamped with、get on one’s bad side、take a dive、budge、spread the word、old folksを追加


・act up



Fever will act up again soon.


・back out of


・bang up


・be a no-go



The plan will be a no-go.


・be backed up



The traffic is backed up for miles due to the accident.


・be bursting at the seams


・be in between jobs



unemployedだと直接的な表現なので、婉曲表現としてbe in between jobsを使います.

・be put on hold


・be right up one’s alley



As a graphic designer, this project is right up my alley.


・be snowed down


・be swamped with



I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier. I was swamped with work all day.


・be up to one’s neck



The students are up to their necks in studying for the final exams.


・be up to 仕事


・be upfront about



When applying for a job, it’s best to be upfront about your previous work experience and qualifications.


・blow one’s top



My boss blew her top when she saw the project deadline was missed.


・blow out of proportion



Don’t blow this minor issue out of proportion. It’s not a big deal.




・break the bank


・bring A up to speed






・cut someone some slack


・close a deal


・come across as-


・do a bang-up job


・do a favor for


・drop everything


・eat into



The company will eat into our sales in the market.


・explode in a one’s face


・fly off the shelves


・get a chip on one’s shoulder




・get a lead on


・get around


・get a word in edgewise


・get foot in door


・get hitched


・get hooked


・get mixed reviews


・get on one’s bad side


・get picked on


・get the ax


・get the ball rolling


・get A lined up / have A lined up


・give A a miss


・give it some thought


・give one’s go ahead


・give someone the benefit of the doubt


・go a long way to


・go overboard


・go over well


・go to the grave


・grow out of


・have in there


・have a clue


・have a hunch


・have a lot on one’s plate


・have it in for


・have it made


・have one’s work cut out


・have reservations about


・have second thoughts


・have a strong case


・hold off on


・hold up


・hone one’s skill


・hop on


・in lieu of


・jump on bandwagon



I want to contact him to jump on his bandwagon.


・jump all over


・jump the gun


・keep one’s head above water



I worked hard to keep my head above water then.


・know one’s stuff


・land a job


・lay law


・lay out


・let A slide


・let on about


・lose ground


・make a big deal


・make the grade


・make one’s quota


・mess things up




・never hear the end of


・nip A in the bud


・not hold one’s breathe


Don’t hold your breath.で「期待しないで」という意味です.

・pan out


・part ways


・pass up


・pay off


・pay out of one’s pocket


・phase out


・pick up


・pick up stream


・play one’s cards right


・polish up resume


・poke around


・present a united front


・put A back on track


・put one’s foot down


・put out the words


・put someone in a bind


・pull one’s weight




・pull the plug


・seal the deal


・sell oneself short


・shake things up / shake up


・shift gears


・shoot for


・slack off


・slip one’s mind


・snipe at


・spread the word


・sort out


・sound out


・splash out on


・smarten up


・start over


・stay under the radar


・strike up a conversation


・swing by


・take a dive


・take all the credit


・take forever


・take it from there


・turn (things) around


・turn a blind eye to-


・wipe out


・wrap up



・best bet




・buyer’s market








・fresh blood


・game changer


・greener pastures



In general, people tend to search for greener pastures.






・labor of love


・lower income bracket


・major blow


・nest egg



We should make a nest egg for future.


・number crunching


・old folks






・same old story


・severance pay




・slave driver


・star key


・train wreck


・wake-up call



This is a wake-up call to remind you of the delay.


・what the doctor ordered


・white lie



・around the corner


between a rock and a hard place


・big time




・down the line


・down the road


・every hour on the hour




・in a flash


・in a league by oneself




・in the cards



That’s not in the cards.


・in the loop


・in the pipeline


・in the trenches


・not a pretty sight


・on a positive note


・on the hook


・on the right track


・on the same boat


・on top of


・next to nothing


・on a positive note


・on the ball


・on the line


・on the same page


・out there


・over the top


・second to none


・sooner rather than later




・staggering amount


・through the roof


・ticked off




・under the gun




・until the last minute


・up to one’s eyeball


・with flying colors



・Come off it.


・Fair enough.


・Fire away.


・First things first.


・It’s a sign of times.


・It’s news to me.


・Not a pretty sight.


・Not off the top of my head.


・Now you tell me.


・Odds are stacked against A.




・Shoe is on the other foot.


・S is expecting.


・S is not my forte.


・That’s a drag.


・That’s a different story


・That’s the last straw.


・There is no way around it.


・You are selling yourself short.


・You have got a point there.


・What’s done is done.


・What’s the catch?



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